Call Us: (480) 636-1816


ADL Solutions is a total solution company. We offer free in-home evaluations by Certified Accessibility Specialists. Our showroom features all types of assistive devices and the latest products to help modify your home.


What Does ADL Solutions Provide?

ADL Solutions is residential and commercial modifications company dedicated to helping individuals achieve a barrier free environment. Innovative products, complete installation and home modifications converge to create “total solutions” resulting in improved accessibility, independence, and safety for both the institutional and home care setting.


What is ADL Solutions About?

Our mission is to help people stay in their homes longer and more safely. ADL has a team of professionals that understand the world of accessibility. We are committed to keeping up with the latest trends in the industry to bring you state-of-the-art equipment, concepts, and products that can improve the quality of your life. We have Certified Environmental Access Consultants, and Certified Aging in Place Specialists to help you determine the most effective way to help you (or your loved ones) maintain or improve your independence, while staying in your own home.


Stop by our office to tour our show room:

2720 S. Hardy Drive
AZ 85282

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